What kind of score should I aim for?

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golfScoreCounterDotcom_What kind of score should I aim for?

When making your debut on the golf course, what score should you aim for? Deciding on a target is the key to improvement, so it is important to have a target score in mind before you start playing.

The goal for most people who start golf is to break the 100 mark.

Many people aim for this score because if they can get under 100, they can proudly call themselves advanced golfers.

However, it is not so easy to get under 100.

Even those who have been playing golf for 10 years often fail to achieve the 100 mark, so setting a goal to get under 100 as a beginner is not within reach.

When setting a target score for beginners, it is best to aim to beat the score of the previous round. However, when you make your debut on the course, you don’t have any previous scores, so it’s difficult to know what number you should actually aim for.

For this reason, it is a good idea to start with the average beginner’s score as a goal when making your debut.

Average golf scores for male and female super beginners

The average score for a super beginner making his or her debut on the course, or soon after, is between 120 and 160. By gender, the average score for men is between 120 and 150, and for women between 130 and 160.

If your score was 150, you would be 4.3 shots over per hole, which is roughly the average score of 3 to 5 shots over.

However, this is only an average score. It is not uncommon for men to shoot over 150 and women over 160. There are even some who shoot over 200, which means that they shot almost 100 for the half.

If you hit well above the average for a super beginner, you need to practice so that you don’t bother the people around you until next time, but if you can play a round at the average level, you can say that you have passed the test as a beginner.

If you are making your debut on a course for the first time, or if you are a super beginner, you can set a goal of not hitting more than three shots over par per hole, and you will be able to get around with a score that is roughly below the average for beginners.

You can get a score of 126 if you are 3 shots over, and 144 if you are 4 shots over, so it is a good idea to be aware of the number of over shots per hole according to your ability, and set it as your next score goal.

Measures to beat the average score

Hit it forward, hit it straight! The key is to use two irons, 7 and PW.

To surpass the average score, rather than focusing on flying distance, try to fly straight ahead. In order to do this, you need to reduce the number of mistakes you make with your clubs. If you use a club that you haven’t used much in practice, will you be able to hit it well? Will I strike out? If you use a club that you have not practiced with before, you will feel anxious about whether you will hit the ball well or not, and in most cases, you will end up making mistakes.

If you are a beginner, these mistakes in club selection will increase your score. Therefore, try to use the 7 iron and PW, which are often used in practice. On a middle course, if you can reliably drive 170 yards with the driver, 130 yards with the 7-iron, and 80 yards with the PW, you will be able to hit the ball 380 yards, which will give you a shot in three or four.

As a beginner, you should focus on holing out with the same club rather than using different clubs for different distances.

Try to reduce your risk.

In golf, mistakes can directly affect your score. Even advanced golfers make mistakes in this sport, so it is more difficult for beginners to not make any mistakes at all.

However, you can try to reduce your mistakes as much as possible. For example, shots over bunkers and ponds. If there is a chance that you will end up in a bunker, you don’t have to push your distance to get over the bunker. If there is even the slightest chance that you will end up in a bunker, it is advisable to choose a surefire way to avoid it.

You should try to make your shot as risk-free as possible by advancing your ball once in front of the bunker and then making sure that your next shot goes over the bunker.

Practice wedges.

If you are a beginner, you may spend most of your practice time trying to increase your distance, but when you get out on the course, it is your approach to the green that will be important. Experience counts for a lot, but if your approach is good, you will certainly be able to lower your average score.

Since you will most likely be using a wedge for your approach, it is a good idea to practice your wedge carefully. You should not only practice hitting the ball with a lot of force, but also practice how much force you can use to hit the ball and how far it will fly, so that you can get a sense of distance and force.

Don’t hit the ball too hard on the green

As a beginner, you may try to hit the ball into the cup with too much force and end up hitting the ball far over the cup. Often, the ball will go far off in a completely different direction than planned. To stabilize your tee shot, try to hit the ball into the cup in two shots instead of trying to hit it in one.

If the distance is long, you can use three shots to sink it.

If you are concerned about your poor score and try to catch up a little, you will end up making a lot of mistakes. It is not uncommon to find yourself in such a situation, so be sure to choose a reasonable method to ensure that you sink into the cup.

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